I studied Fine Art as a young person and completed the Bachelor of Industrial Design in South Korea. During this time, I practised drawing, painting and 3D modelling skills. I started to learn pottery 2016 in Australia. These three skills are different but combine to create my work, illy’s wall.
Because of my background I believe I may see things in different ways when I work with clay. This could be my strength and my weakness as a potter.
I moved a lot since I started to live in Australia so I needed something make me feel comfortable in that space.
I started put dried plants near my bed and hung small pictures on the wall. I think that was the start of my obsession with making work for the wall.
I think about space, light and shadow. These elements maximise contrast of my work on the wall.
My wall pieces can serve as functional objects, still life and paintings, holding so many potentials at one time.
I aim to make objects which have strong relationships with people. In other words, my finished works are not fully completed until someone gets involved with them.